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MWD ©SRu 1-536-197

Words and Music by: Mark W Douglas
©SRu 1-536-197
Faith like when you sit down in a chair and you know it will be there
Faith when you take another breath knowin it won't mean death
Faith even though we can't explain it it's hopeless to forsake it
Faith it's a choice we make every second of the day
Every second of the day
It's what we hope for And the evidence not seen
It's what we live for The fulfillment of a dream
It's what we fight for When there's nothin left to lose
It's what we die for When we go to spread the news, it's called
Is it just a myth? That knowledge can't exist Where there is faith?
Or does wisdom coexist With the supernatural bliss Called faith?
What if we have none Does it nullify faith?
What if we want some To cover love just like a blanket?
What if we need some And there's a mountain in the way?
What if we grow some? I hear a mustard seed can make it, Ewww