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The Family Was Saved

MWD ©SRu 1-526-018

The Family Was Saved

The Family Was Saved
Words and Music by: Mark W. Douglas 9/20/15
©SRu 1-526-018

1st Vs:
There once was a mother Who loved her children
She was crazy Hazy Head over heels in Love with them
There was a father Who loved his babies
He would play with them, Pay for them, Be everything in Love with them

Bless this Mother Bless this Father Bless these Children And this Home

When she ran out of the sugar He worked to the bone
And they Prayed Prayed Prayed, and The Family Was Saved
He kissed on the momma She loved on the kids
And they Prayed Prayed Prayed, and The Family Was Saved

2nd Vs:
There's Papas and Memaws PaPaws and Granys
Their babies have babies and what we've got is a Family
A family together A family forever
We walk with them, Talk with them, Hold them tight, in Love with them

We were All torn up Listenin' to the sound of the phone
Baby's cryin' We got down on our knees
And we say, Hallowed be thy name Hallowed be thy name
Hallowed be thy name Hallowed be thy name

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